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Elena...Harconita, Lina Mihaluta, Igor Afatin, Valentina Topalo, members of the LNSS Project Team, representatives of the USARB Scientific Library attended a round table on October 6th on the theme "LNSS Impact Indicators": "Library Network Support Services: modernising libraries in Armenia, Moldova and Belarus through library staff development and reforming libraries" implemented within ERASMUS+ Program Capacity Building in the Field of Higher education (CBNE). The round table was held at the Scientific Library of the Academy of Public Administration.

Andrei GROZA, PhD, associate professor, the first vice-Rector of the Academy of Public Administration opened the meeting of the round table. He mentioned the importance and advantages of the LNSS project implementation, which will allow the modernization of the libraries of these higher education institutions in Moldova for the purpose of providing documentation services for quality education.

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According to the proposed Agenda, the achievements at institutional and national level were reviewed, short- and long-term impacts being highlighted. The project achievements and products have been analysed in accordance with Implementation the Logic Framework Matrix.

The members of the project partners of the SL USARB and SL AAPRM, also discussed the implementation of the training modules developed within the LNSS Project, the possibility of integration in the educational plan, the approval by the higher hierarchical bodies.

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Mrs. Rodica SOBIESKI-CAMERZAN, Head of the Scientific Library of the Academy of Public Administration, stressed that such meetings are organized periodically in order to analyze the evolution of the project and the design of the continuous implementation strategy in the partner institutions.

Mrs. Elena HARCONIŢA, Director of the USARB Scientific Library, mentioned the appreciation of the European experts regarding the activity of the project teams from the Republic of Moldova, which during two years of their activity, managed to achieve appreciable results in fulfilling the general and special objectives of the project.